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강성진 외국변호사

강성진 외국변호사
강성진 외국변호사


T.02-3703-4643 F.02-737-9091/9092 E.sungjin.kang@kimchang.com

관련 분야



공공기관 경영평가단 평가위원 (2023)

공공기관 상임감사 평가단 평가위원 (2022)

김·장 법률사무소 (2018-현재)

서울반도체 주식회사 (2017-2018)

주식회사 짐월드 법무팀장 (2016-2017)

LG디스플레이 (2012-2013)

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 브뤼셀 (2010-2011)

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr 브뤼셀 (2009)

Hammonds LLP 브뤼셀 (2008-2009)

육군법무관 (2005-2008)

주요 활동펼치기

저서 및 외부활동
    • "China and the WTO: what happens after a honeymoon", (pp.772-781, Chapter 42), The Elgar Companion to the World Trade Organization (Edward Elgar, 2023)
    • “The DEPA and ASDEA: Template for Digital Trade Agreements for Indo-Pacific?”, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Vol.40 (Brill, 2022)
    • “Jurisdictional Objections and Defenses (Ratione Personae, Ratione Materiae, and Ratione Temporis)”, J. Chaisse et al. (eds.), Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer Singapore, 2020)
    • “The CPTPP’s Competition and SOE Chapters: Possible Impacts for Potential New Members”, Special Issue on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Transnational Dispute Management Vol.5 (2019)
    • “Investor-State Dispute against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda? (Chapter 26)”, China’s Investment Strategy (Oxford University Press, 2019)
    • “Chapter 16 One Belt, One Road Initiative into a New Regional Trade Agreement: Implication to the WTO Dispute Settlement System, Belt and Road Initiative: Law”, Economics and Politics (Brill, 2018)
    • “기관투자자의 ‘수평적 주식보유 (Horizontal Shareholding)’에 대한 경쟁법적 논의”, 경쟁법연제구 제37권 (한국경쟁법학회, 2018)
    • “Investor-State Dispute Against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda? (Book Chapter)”, Proceedings of Asia FDI Forum II (2018)
    • “One Belt, One Road Initiative into a New Regional Trade Agreement: Implication to the WTO Dispute Settlement System”, Special Issue on One Belt, One Road Initiative (Transnational Dispute Management, 2017)
    • “Conflict of Investment-Related Provisions Under Regional Trade Agreements between Korea and China - Navigating the “Noodle Bowl”, ICSID Review (Oxford University Press, 2017)
    • "Anti-circumvention Inquiry in Korea" 발표, Annual Conference (Asian Society of International Law Japan Chapter, (2024.6.)
    • "Extraterritorial Application of Domestic Law: Is It that Bad for Asian Countries?” 발표, Asian Society of International Law Intercessional Conference (2024.5.)
    • “Digital Economy Partnership Agreements in Asia - The Way Forward” 발표, SMU ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership Workshop (2023.3.)
    • “Protection of Critical Technology through Export Control: Case of Korea” 발표, Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Biennial Conference (2021.12.)
    • “Cybersecurity Challenge of Smart Factories under ‘Law of Armed Conflict’” 발표, Annual Conference (Japan Chapter of Asian Society of International Law, 2021.4.)
    • “EU-Korea FTA Labor Dispute” 발표, EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment in Context (II) (Queen Mary University of London, 2021.3.)
    • “Digital Trade Partnership Agreement: Template for Future Agreement” 발표, The Roadmap to the ASEAN-EU FTA in the Post-Pandemic Era (Singapore Management University School of Law, 2020)
    • “Standing Asian Investment Court” 발표, Asian Society of International Law Japan Chapter, Annual Global Conference (Waseda University, 2018)
    • “EU’s FTA/BIT Pre- and Post-Lisbon Treaty: For Better or Worse?” 발표, Asia FDI Forum III (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017)
    • “Multilateralization of Anti-Corruption Enforcement: Learning from the Competition Law Experience” 발표, Biennial Conference (Asian Society of International Law, 2017)
    • “Competition Related Provisions (CRPs) of Bilateral Trade Agreements, Bilateral Competition Cooperation Agreements of Korea and Their Implications” 발표, Staff Seminar (City University of Hong Kong, 2016)
    • “Investor-State Dispute against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda?” 발표, Asia FDI Forum II (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016)
    • “Best Practices in International Arbitration and Recent Developments” 패널리스트, ICDR Y&I Conference (Co-hosted by Georgetown University Law Center, 2016)


    고려대학교 일반대학원 (법학박사, 국제경제법, 2015)

    University of London (Postgraduate Diploma, EU Law, 2010)

    Georgetown University (Visiting Researcher/Institute of International Economic Law Fellow, 2003)

    University of Michigan Law School (LL.M., 2001)

    고려대학교 (법학사, 2000)


    외국변호사, 뉴욕주 (2004)


한국어, 영어, 독일어

관련 소식

업무분야 선택

레이어 닫기

업무분야 선택

레이어 닫기


레이어 닫기


T. 02-3703-4643      
F. 02-737-9091/9092
E. sungjin.kang@kimchang.com


    공공기관 경영평가단 평가위원 (2023)

    공공기관 상임감사 평가단 평가위원 (2022)

    김·장 법률사무소 (2018-현재)

    서울반도체 주식회사 (2017-2018)

    주식회사 짐월드 법무팀장 (2016-2017)

    LG디스플레이 (2012-2013)

    Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 브뤼셀 (2010-2011)

    Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr 브뤼셀 (2009)

    Hammonds LLP 브뤼셀 (2008-2009)

    육군법무관 (2005-2008)

저서 및 외부활동

  •   "China and the WTO: what happens after a honeymoon", (pp.772-781, Chapter 42), The Elgar Companion to the World Trade Organization (Edward Elgar, 2023)
  •   “The DEPA and ASDEA: Template for Digital Trade Agreements for Indo-Pacific?”, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Vol.40 (Brill, 2022)
  •   “Jurisdictional Objections and Defenses (Ratione Personae, Ratione Materiae, and Ratione Temporis)”, J. Chaisse et al. (eds.), Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer Singapore, 2020)
  •   “The CPTPP’s Competition and SOE Chapters: Possible Impacts for Potential New Members”, Special Issue on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Transnational Dispute Management Vol.5 (2019)
  •   “Investor-State Dispute against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda? (Chapter 26)”, China’s Investment Strategy (Oxford University Press, 2019)
  •   “Chapter 16 One Belt, One Road Initiative into a New Regional Trade Agreement: Implication to the WTO Dispute Settlement System, Belt and Road Initiative: Law”, Economics and Politics (Brill, 2018)
  •   “기관투자자의 ‘수평적 주식보유 (Horizontal Shareholding)’에 대한 경쟁법적 논의”, 경쟁법연제구 제37권 (한국경쟁법학회, 2018)
  •   “Investor-State Dispute Against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda? (Book Chapter)”, Proceedings of Asia FDI Forum II (2018)
  •   “One Belt, One Road Initiative into a New Regional Trade Agreement: Implication to the WTO Dispute Settlement System”, Special Issue on One Belt, One Road Initiative (Transnational Dispute Management, 2017)
  •   “Conflict of Investment-Related Provisions Under Regional Trade Agreements between Korea and China - Navigating the “Noodle Bowl”, ICSID Review (Oxford University Press, 2017)
  •   "Anti-circumvention Inquiry in Korea" 발표, Annual Conference (Asian Society of International Law Japan Chapter, (2024.6.)
  •   "Extraterritorial Application of Domestic Law: Is It that Bad for Asian Countries?” 발표, Asian Society of International Law Intercessional Conference (2024.5.)
  •   “Digital Economy Partnership Agreements in Asia - The Way Forward” 발표, SMU ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership Workshop (2023.3.)
  •   “Protection of Critical Technology through Export Control: Case of Korea” 발표, Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Biennial Conference (2021.12.)
  •   “Cybersecurity Challenge of Smart Factories under ‘Law of Armed Conflict’” 발표, Annual Conference (Japan Chapter of Asian Society of International Law, 2021.4.)
  •   “EU-Korea FTA Labor Dispute” 발표, EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment in Context (II) (Queen Mary University of London, 2021.3.)
  •   “Digital Trade Partnership Agreement: Template for Future Agreement” 발표, The Roadmap to the ASEAN-EU FTA in the Post-Pandemic Era (Singapore Management University School of Law, 2020)
  •   “Standing Asian Investment Court” 발표, Asian Society of International Law Japan Chapter, Annual Global Conference (Waseda University, 2018)
  •   “EU’s FTA/BIT Pre- and Post-Lisbon Treaty: For Better or Worse?” 발표, Asia FDI Forum III (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017)
  •   “Multilateralization of Anti-Corruption Enforcement: Learning from the Competition Law Experience” 발표, Biennial Conference (Asian Society of International Law, 2017)
  •   “Competition Related Provisions (CRPs) of Bilateral Trade Agreements, Bilateral Competition Cooperation Agreements of Korea and Their Implications” 발표, Staff Seminar (City University of Hong Kong, 2016)
  •   “Investor-State Dispute against China’s Enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law: Belling the Panda?” 발표, Asia FDI Forum II (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016)
  •   “Best Practices in International Arbitration and Recent Developments” 패널리스트, ICDR Y&I Conference (Co-hosted by Georgetown University Law Center, 2016)


    고려대학교 일반대학원 (법학박사, 국제경제법, 2015)

    University of London (Postgraduate Diploma, EU Law, 2010)

    Georgetown University (Visiting Researcher/Institute of International Economic Law Fellow, 2003)

    University of Michigan Law School (LL.M., 2001)

    고려대학교 (법학사, 2000)


    외국변호사, 뉴욕주 (2004)

  •    한국어, 영어, 독일어

관세 및 국제통상 ,  관세 및 국제통상 분쟁 ,  경제제재 ,  산업안보 및 수출통제 ,  해외법무 ,  유럽