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“Procedural Issues in an Arbitration: Disclosure and Transparency,” The Guide to Investment Treaty Protection and Enforcement (GAR)


The Guide to Investment Treaty Protection and Enforcement - Second Edition (Law Business Research, 2023) 
Procedural Issues in an Arbitration: Disclosure and Transparency 

변섭준 외국변호사, 이형근 변호사, 박설 변호사 공저

An extract from the second edition of the Global Arbitration Review (“GAR”)’s The Guide to Investment Treaty Protection and Enforcement. The whole publication is available at https://globalarbitrationreview.com/guide/the-guide-investment-treaty-protection-and-enforcement/second-edition

첨부파일 GAR_Guide to Investment Treaty Protection and Enforcement_Procedural Issues in an Arbitration-Disclosure and Transparency.pdf

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