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Legal Update Concerning the Korea Auto Industry for the Second Half of 2020: Connected Cars & Autonomous-Driving Vehicles


Please refer to the attachment for legal updates concerning connected cars and autonomous-driving vehicles in the Korean auto industry for the second half of 2020.   

  • The Act on the Promotion and Support of Commercialization of Autonomous Driving Vehicles (“Commercialization Act”) took effect on May 1, 2020 
  • Import and sale of vehicles equipped with Level 3 lane keeping assist system (July 1, 2020) 
  • The amended Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act will become effective on October 8, 2020 requiring the installation of the autonomous driving data recording device 
  • According to the Roadmap for Proactive Reform of Regulations regarding Autonomous-Driving Vehicles, the government is expected to undertake regulatory reforms within this year 
  • New regulations on autonomous driving vehicles are likely to be introduced with the amendment to the Framework Act on Intelligence Informatization  
  • Regulatory sandbox has increasingly been used to address regulatory hurdles for new services/technology 


[Korean version]

Attachment Korea Auto Industry Legal Update for the Second Half of 2020__Connected Cars & Autonomous-Driving Vehicles.pdf





