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김·장 홍보

  • asialaw 2024 Article Image

    “Outstanding” in All Categories and 65 “Leading Lawyers”

    Kim & Chang was named “Outstanding” in all 24 categories in the 2024 edition of asialaw, once again receiving the highest recognition across all surveyed categories. Moreover, 65 of our attorneys and patent attorneys were recognized as “Leading Lawyers.”

  • IFLR1000 2024 Article Image

    Kim & Chang Ranked “Tier 1” in All Eight Practice Areas

    Kim & Chang once again received “Tier 1” (top-tier) rankings in all areas surveyed for Korea in the 2024 edition of IFLR1000. Additionally, 54 of our attorneys were recognized as leading lawyers in their respective practice areas.

  • WWL: Korea 2024 Article Image

    151 Professionals Selected as “National Leaders”

    In the 2024 edition of WWL: Korea, 151 professionals across 22 fields were selected as “National Leaders” in their respective fields. This year, our firm obtained the most listings out of all Korean law firms once again, demonstrating the expertise and extensive capabilities of our professionals.



김∙장 법률사무소는 장애인 및 비장애인 누구나 편리하게 웹서비스를 이용하실 수 있도록 웹접근성 준수 및 개선을 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

김∙장 법률사무소는 앞으로도 모든 사용자들이 편리하게 서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
불편사항은 lawkim@kimchang.com으로 연락주시면 친절하게 안내해드리겠습니다

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