On May 31, 2024, the General Committee on the Basic Plan on Electricity Supply and Demand released a working-level draft (the “Draft Plan”) of the 11th Basic Plan on Electricity Supply and Demand (the “11th Basic Plan”) that provides a blueprint for electricity demand and supply out to 2038. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy plans to finalize the 11th Basic Plan following discussions with the relevant ministries and departments based on the Draft Plan. We summarize below the key details of the Draft Plan:
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Electricity Target Demand and Generation Capacity Targets |
2031 - 2032 (2.5GW): Combined heat and power (“CHP”) generation utilizing LNG (i.e., new auction to be opened for the selection of the power projects)
2033 - 2034 (1.5GW): CHP generation conditional on conversion into co-firing with hydrogen, or carbon-free energy (i.e., the exact energy source(s) are to be determined in the 12th Basic Plan)
2035 - 2036 (2.2GW): Allocation of 0.7GW in generation capacity to be procured from small modular reactors (“SMRs”) and opening of a new auction to procure 1.5GW from various types of carbon-free energy sources
2037 - 2038 (4.4GW): The construction of up to three new large-scale nuclear power units to be considered to procure this generation capacity
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Power Generation Outlook |
Power Generation Volume and Proportion Forecast by Energy Source (Unit: TWh)
※ Carbon-free energy refers to nuclear power, renewable energy and hydrogen/ammonia (excluding fuel cells and integrated gasification combined cycle (“IGCC”))
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Key Policy Goals |
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Implications |
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