At the sixth annual asialaw Awards, Kim & Chang was recognized as the “Intellectual Property Firm of the Year” in the Regional Awards and secured the title of “South Korea Firm of the Year” in the Client Choice Awards. Our firm was awarded in a total of eight categories including the abovementioned.
The following list details the awards we won this year.
Regional Awards
Intellectual Property Firm of the Year
Competition and Antitrust Lawyer of the Year: Youngjin Jung
Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: Jin Yeong Chung
Editor’s Choice Awards [1]
Impact Deal and Case: Chubb’s acquisition of Cigna’s APAC businesses (Advised Cigna Corporation on its Sale of LINA Korea to Chubb Limited)
Impact Deal and Case: MBK Partners’ acquisition of Medit Corp (Advised on MBK Partners’ KRW 2.5 Trillion Acquisition of Leading Global Dental Scanner Developer Medit Corporation from UCK Partners)
Client Choice Awards [2]
South Korea Firm of the Year
South Korea Lawyer of the Year: Shin Kwon Lim
South Korea – Honourable Mention Lawyer: In Hwan Kim
About asialaw Awards: Hosted by the Delinian-affiliated legal media company asialaw, the asialaw Awards evaluate the performance of law firms in the Asia-Pacific region based on three key aspects: innovation, complexity and impact. The awards recognize the most noteworthy law firms, legal practitioners and deals/cases in each surveyed jurisdiction as well as practice area and industry. This year’s awards ceremony was held in Singapore on September 26, 2023.
asialaw Awards 2023
[1] Editor’s Choice Awards: asialaw’s editors select a number of cases and deals that had a national or regional impact over the year.
[2] Client Choice Awards: asialaw recognizes law firms and practitioners that have displayed excellent performance based on objective data collected through its Client Feedback Survey.
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